Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Crouching tiger, hidden talent

So, of course I know my children to be very bright. VERY bright :-) As any mother does. Lucas (2;9 yrs) finds letters and words very interesting, so we've started importing alphabet books from the Netherlands. Now, I thought I would hold off teaching letters to Kwint (9 months) until he could walk. But whaddaya know, the dude already reads! He devours whole books. First, he carefully opens the book with his little fingers. This is followed  by a close scrutiny of the pictures and words. After he approves of the subject of the book (of course not all books are equally interesting), he prudently tastes the sounds of the letters by licking the words on the first page. Then it's off to the next page. What an appetite for learning, eh!

In keeping with today's subject of reading, I can't hold this from y'all:
Lucas: (looking through the pages of the thesis his father wrote) "Dit is onzin, he mama?"

1 comment:

  1. hihi duidelijk kinderen van hun ouders dus... pas maar op dat ze niet TE intelligent worden,
    x uit Baarn
